ESP Workshop for English Lecturer in PPNS

2017-02-07 | Dibaca 1 kali
Language Center of PPNS under the authority of Research Development and Community Services (P3M) conducted a valuable ESP workshop for English lecturers, carrying the theme of: “Developing English Materials for Vocational Studies”. Run in 3rd and 4th of February 2017, this 2-day-workshop was led by a well-known facilitator, the director of Post graduate program in Widya Mandala Catholic University, Prof.Anita Lie, Ed.D. Having been teaching for more than 30 years Prof.Anita Lea has written numeorus interesting books and journals related to English curriculum and materials design. This interactive workshop was held in Directorate building 4th floor and attended by 50 english lecturers from all over Indonesia. Most of them come from Polytechnics, and some are from known Universities and Institute like UNAIR, ITS, Hang Tuah University (UHT) and STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Among the Polytechnics are Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Politeknik Negeri Madiun, Politeknik Negeri Sambas, PENS, PIP Semarang, Politeknik Pelayaran, Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan, Politeknik Maritim Indonesia, STT Nurul Jadid, ATKP Surabaya and many more. There were also participants from medical institution attending the workshop, including POLTEKES KEMENKES Surabaya dan Malang, STIKES kepanjen Malang and STIKES PEMKAB Jombang. This ESP workshop is focused on how English lecturers design the curriculum, syllabus and materials for teaching ESP. On the first session, Prof.Anita Lie shared essential materials covering latest trends, case studies, and developments in the ESP field. The next 2 sessions were wrapping up of ESP curriculum materials design and ESP in Workplace Settings: From Needs Assessment to Delivery. Even more challenging, all of participants presented their materials design on the second day of the workshop anthusiastically. It is highly expected that after completing this workshop, the participants are able to apply the knowledge on everyday teaching, based on their study program in their institutions.

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